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Veterans Program

Home For The Braves (HFB)

Rapid Re-housing 

HFB serves the chronically homeless with a focus on Veteran Families experiencing homelessness. HFB focuses on stabilization and safety planning through our Rapid Re-Housing Program. Rapid rehousing assistance is intended to provide stable housing as quickly as possible and provide support to maintain permanent housing.


The HFB program focuses on the case management component designed to support clients on their path towards creating healthy lives with the help of our community partners.


Target Population:


HFB serves the low income, chronically homeless, with a focus on Veteran Families experiencing homelessness and residing in the county of Riverside.


Program Goal:


Indentify units of the participants choice and provide supportive services such as; case management, access to moving support, linkages to mental and behavioral health resources including employment assistance and linkages to technical careers and continued education to increase their income by the end of the program.




Rental Assistance (Deposit and Move in Cost), Case Management, Housing Navigation and Supportive Services.

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